Read and post Irresistible Me Reviews
Irresistible Me is an online retailer of hair extensions. From their website, you can get clip in extensions, wefts, ponytails, bangs, tape in extensions and wigs.
Irresistible Me Reviews
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5
(3 votes)
Customer Service1.5
- Irresistible Me hair extensions package include a tester to match your hair color without opening the main package.
- Offers international shipping.
- Sells more than just clip-in extensions, Irresistible Me also sells tape-in hair extensions and even wigs.
- Prices are reasonable.
- You have to create an account on the website to access it and place your order.
- Although Irresistible Me hair are offered in different hair extensions varieties such as length, the color selection should be improved.
- Customer service is slow, long response time.
- Shipping is really slow.